SAP Program RMLEBI00 - Preference: Request for Vendor Declarations

Requesting and Dunning of Expiring Vendor Declarations

This report identifies vendordeclarations that will soon expire. If a declaration expires, it isno longer valid proof of a product's origin. Therefore, using thisreport you can also print letters requesting vendors to send youupdated declarations.

The information about whether a valid vendor declaration exists for avendor material is stored for each preference zone in the LFEI databasetable. This database is linked to the purchasing information record.
To set up the system for vendor declarations, seeMaintain control data for vendordeclaration in the Foreign Trade Implementation Guide.

On the initial screen for Request/Dun Vendor Declaration screen, youcan enter selection parameters for

  • Organizational Units

    • Material/Vendor

      • Processing Mode/Processing Level

      • Simulation
        In the processing section, you can choose to simulate a dunning run. Inthis case the system prints the request letter but does not update thedunning data from the LFEI database.
        Process Level - Vendor
        You can also choose to process the vendor declaration records solely atvendor level. In this case, they are not stored specifically as amaterial but are valid for all materials for a vendor. (Key field MATNRin structure LFEI has the value "blank".)
        The advantage of this processing mode is that the vendor declarationdata only need to be entered once for each vendor (using the"Create/Change Vendor Master").
        Update info records
        You can only use this indicator when Simulation is not selectedand Process Level - Vendor is selected. This causes the system todisplay and update both cross-material and material-specific vendordeclaration records. In this case, the preference data of the superiorLFEI record is copied to all the material-specific records.
        Also, the contents of all existing material-specific LFEIrecords are updated.
        • Content/Dunning Letter

        • In the transaction for requesting vendor declarations (
          VE68), you can create the first request letter to thevendor along with the relevant dunning data (dunning code, validitydate). For this task, no dunning letters are printed.
          In the transaction for dunning vendor declarations (VI75
          ), you can carry out dunning for the first and second levels.
          Additionally, you can enter request and dunning texts to accompany thevendor notifications.
          • Print parameters

          • There are several print parameters and default values that you can setin this section. These are all described in the field help.

            The system displays a list that gives you an overview of therequests/dunning letters that must be issued to the vendors determinedwithin the parameters that you specified. A letter with dunning andoutline text is created for each vendor and dunning level. All therelevant material-vendor combinations are considered.
            The system regards as relevant every preference zone entry inplant-related info records that:
            Is contained in a valid info record that has not been marked fordeletion
            Has a validity date that has exceeded the tolerance period set
            Has incomplete vendor declaration data
            The system creates an error log for the situations described above.

            Functions from Output Display
            From the output list you can select the following:

            • Error log

            • This branches to the display of LFEI records that still need to bemaintained.
              • Info record

              • This branches to the vendor declaration data of an individual inforecord. All data on all preference zone · customs areas for theplant-material-vendor combination · are displayed.
                • Vendor

                • This branches to the display for the LFEI data in the vendor master.

                  More detailed information about this report is available in the onlinehelp documentation for Foreign Trade Preference Handling under thetopic "Requesting and Dunning of Expiring Vendor Declarations".