SAP Program RMIDKRTR - Goods Movements Between Business Places

This report lists the goods movements between two business places.
Enter the business places that the report is to cover. In theIssuing business place field, enter the business place whoseplants supplied the materials. In the Receiving business placefield, enter the business place that received the materials. To show thegoods movements between all business places, leave the two fields emptyand enter the company code only.
For a list of goods movements between specific plants, fill out theIssuing plant and Receiving plant fields. You can alsospecify goods movement types and material numbers.

The business place master data must be maintained, and each plant mustbe assigned to a business place.

The report lists the goods movements that took place during thespecified period between the selected business places or plants. It alsoshows the total value of all the goods movements between eachcombination of the selected business places and plants. A subtotal isshown for each goods movement. Selecting Display totals onlyshows only the total value of each goods movement, otherwise everymovement is listed separately.

Your business has not applied for an aggregation of payment and has topost VAT for goods movements between business places.
The system does not support the posting of VAT within a company code inreal time. This report, however, shows you the goods movements that havetaken place between your company's business places, so that you can postthe VAT arising from these transactions manually.
To distinguish between goods movements that are liable to tax and thosethat are not, you must post them using different movement types. Fornontaxable goods movements, for example, use movement types 300-320, andfor goods movements taxed at 10%, types 360-380.
Run this report at the end of the month to show all the taxablemovements, entering the period, the business places, and the goodsmovements. If you only have to post VAT for a few movements, you canenter the material numbers in the appropriate fields to narrow down thescope of the list.
The list shows all the goods movements that are liable to tax that tookplace between the selected business places during the specified period.Use this data to manually post the VAT. For more information about thisprocedure and creating tax invoices for transactions between twobusiness places, see the documentation for reportRFIDKRTCIB.