SAP Program RMGEVECA - Generation program for CASE loop "planned changes" vendors

Report RMGEVECA generates reports with conversion routines for theconversion of prepared data fields into the database format.
Conversion routines for the table fields can be generated for alltransparent tables given in internal table CASE_TAB. The routineswhich are generated are stored in separate reports for eachtransparent table.
The reports which are generated are used in function group WYL2 infunction module VENDOR_CHANGE_DOCUMENTATION. They convert the datastored in prepared form in the change documents into you databaseformat.

  • Table: Name of the table the fields for which you want to generate
  • conversion routines.
    Characteristic: '*****': Reports are generated with the conversionroutines for all tables in CASE_TAB.
    Characteristic: 'AAAAA': A report is only generated with conversionroutines for table AAAAA (but this must also exist in table CASE_TAB).

747469Conversion to SAP List Viewer - ERP Operations ECC 5.00