SAP Program RMCSISCP - Copy/delete versions of an info structure

Program RMCSISCP enables you to copy and delete versions of aninformation structure. The following processing types are available:

  • Copy a version: the source version of the information structure is
  • copied to the target version.
    • Delete a version: the source version of the information structure is
    • deleted.
      • Copy and delete: the source version of the information structure is
      • copied to the target version and is then deleted.
        The selection screen for LIS Copy Management is then called up. Thisscreen is already set up for the processing type you have chosen. Youcan find additional information by referring to the documentation forthe Copy Management tool and by calling up F1 Help.

79083Setup of statistical data in BCO: Additional information
537806Performance CopyMan: Version deletion optimization
458063Performance CopyMan: filling of unused selections
547971MC8V: Questions concerning the version copier
555002Management Copy: Period independent copying
530054Copy Management: Error during the generation
428491Copy Management: Error due to automatic data enhancement
454026CopyMan: Exclusion BW transfer structures S260-S264
444726Poor performance when deleting version
410247Copy management / version copier RMCSISCP: Performance
356473Copy Mangmt:performance whn deleting target vers(2)
201207BW Content SD/LE:Unnecssry new setup InfoStruc.
328534BW Content SD/LE:Extraction recreation in background
202105BW/LIS: Version copier for (transfer)info structure
118919Problems RMCVISCP (SQL error 1555)