SAP Program RM07RESL - Reservation List Inventory Management

Inventory Management list of reservations

This report provides a list ofreservations. From theoutput list, you canchoose and display a reservation document.

Authorization check
You need the following authorizations for all plants selected:

  • Authorization object Reservations: Movement type,
  • activity 03, for the movement type in the reservation header
    • Authorization object Reservations: Plant,
    • activity 03, for the plant in a reservation item




      • Reservation number

      • Reservation item

      • Record type

      • Requirement date

      • Movement type

      • Debit/Credit indicator

      • Material

      • Requirement quantity

      • Difference quantity between reserved quantity and quantity already
      • withdrawn
        • Base unit of measure

        • Account assignment

        • Receipt reservations are highlighted in yellow; all other reservationsare issues.
          From the output list, you can display the following:
          • To go to a reservation, place the cursor on the relevant reservation
          • line and choose Reservation.
            • To go to a reservation item, place the cursor on the reservation item
            • and choose Item
              • To call up the stock overview for the corresponding material, choose
              • Stock overview
                By double-clicking in the output list, you go directly to one of thefollowing functions, depending on the field chosen:
                • Reservation: Double-click on a reservation line

                • Reservation item: Double-click on a reservation item

                • Switching the output list
                  You can switch the output list to a different format that provides morefunctions and is more convenient to use (grid control). To do this,choose the step Set Up Print Functions forReporting in Customizing for Inventory Management.
                  INCLUDE MMIM_ANZVAR

520765FAQ: Reporting IM (no LIS)
579976MB52: List format occurs with initial layout
421909Selection of reservations: Differences in MB25/MD04
388831No maintenance of RM07RMAT/RM07RKON as of 4.6C