SAP Program RM07MMST - Display Quantity String

Use report RM07MMST to display the data relating to one or morequantity strings. This will enable you todetermine which data base fields (stock fields) are checked/updated bya certain quantity string.
You can then press an F-key to obtain a list of themovement types that use a particular quantitystring.

The list of quantity strings contains the following data (from tableT156F):

  • segment string

  • field name for availability calculation (availability block),

  • field name in the quantity blocking table,

  • indicator for data base update,

  • indicator for primary entry,

  • indicator for arithmetic,

  • indicator for back-posting to the previous period.

  • By positioning the cursor on the quantity string and pressing F2, youwill obtain a reference list of movement types containing the followingdata from T156S:
    • indicator for value update,

    • indicator for quantity update,

    • special stock indicator,

    • movement indicator,

    • indicator for inward movement/receipt,

    • indicator for consumption posting,

    • posting string for values, and

    • quantity string.

    • Position the cursor on the availability block (in the basic list) andpress F5 to obtain additional information on the availability blockfrom table T156V.