This is where you can perform different activities for the rebate duelist. Select the relevant process type. You can also use the selectionfields to restrict the records to be processed. You have the followingoptions:

  • Revenue display

  • Partial settlement

  • Final settlement

  • Manual accruals

  • Correction

  • Retroactive settlement
  • Integration
    If, for example, you have created a rebate agreement, then all theinformation needed for this agreement is stored in the rebate due list.Changes to the agreement are also forwarded to the due list. In the sameway, during final settlement the agreement status is updated from therebate due list.

    For an agreement to be settled, it must be released without any errors.Unreleased agreements are automatically excluded from processing duringsettlement. If the agreement contains errors, this is generallyindicated in the error log together with the other messages issuedduring processing. The revenue display option also displays incorrect orunreleased settlement records. You can look up the status of the recordin the detail display.

    You can choose from the following processing types:

    • Revenue display: The system selects and displays all the records
    • that meet the selection criteria. Unlike the other processing types, theresults list includes incorrect and blocked records. The payment amountsand and sales revenues displayed are determined according to the rulesfor final settlement. Select an entry and choose the detail view formore information on a record.
      • Partial settlement: The system selects and displays all
      • error-free and released records that meet the selection criteria. Thepayment amounts are determined according to the rules on partialsettlement. Negative amounts indicate amounts paid out. Positive amountsindicate amounts claimed back from the rebate recipient. Select therecords to be settled and choose the 'Partial settlement' function.
        • Final settlement: The system selects and displays all error-free
        • and fully released (for final settlement, complete with/without claimback, flagged for deletion) records that meet the selection criteria.The payment amounts are determined as follows:
          for records released for final settlement, the payment value isdetermined according to the rules for final settlement
          for records with status 'Complete without claim back', the payment valueis assumed to be zero.
          for records with status 'Complete with claim back', all payments alreadymade are claimed back.
          for records that are flagged for deletion, the payment value is zero.
          Apart from records that are flagged for deletion, the payment amounts inthese records can be changed manually. Negative amounts mean that apayment has been made, positive amounts are claimed back from the rebaterecipient. Select the records that you want to settle and choose the'Final settlement' function. During final settlement, the system alwaysprocesses all records for the same agreement number. It is not possibleto perform a partial final settlement for an agreement. All openaccruals are resolved.
          • Manual accruals: The system selects and displays all error-free
          • and released records that meet the selection criteria. The proposedaccruals amounts are calculated as the difference between the existingaccruals and the final settlement amount reached so far. The proposedamounts can be changed manually. A negative amount means that accrualsare being created. A positive amount means that accruals are beingreduced. Select the records for which you want to post accruals andchoose the 'Adapt accruals' function.
            • Correction: The system selects and displays all error-free and
            • released records that meet the selection criteria. You can now correctthe revenue (base and scale base) manually. The amount entered is addedto the current revenue. Select all records for which you want to postcorrections and then choose the 'Update correction' function.
              • Retroactive settlement: The system selects and displays all
              • completed records that meet the selection criteria. The payment value isrecalculated in the same way as in final settlement and any remainingaccruals are resolved. The proposed payment values can be changedmanually. Select the records for which you want to perform retroactivesettlement and choose the 'Final settlement' function.

                In the default data, you define what you want the system to do with theselected records. You can choose between different processing types asdescribed above. You can also define whether you just want to simulatethe process.
                The flag 'entire agreements' ensures that the system will processagreements with an "all or nothing" approach (i.e. it will eitherprocess all the records for an agreement, or none of them).
                The date to be entered has different functions depending on theprocessing type
                in partial settlement, this date is used to determine the settlementdate. If, for example, you have saved a settlement calendar thatschedules monthly settlements, and you enter 04.12.2005, then the systemdetermines the last valid settlement date for the agreement - in thiscase, 03.31.2005. The settlement date can also be used to determinewhich sales revenues were included in the settlement. The systemconsiders the sales revenues for cumulation periods that are completedon the settlement date.
                when posting accruals or corrections, the date entered determines thedate on which the corresponding values are to be cumulated in therevenues.
                You can use the selection variables to limit the results for yourselection .

                The system returns a list of all relevant records for the rebate duelist. From there, you can branch to a detail view of a record, orexecute the processing type you preselected. To do this, select all therecords that you want to process. You can consult the error log whenprocessing errors.
