SAP Program RM07IDIF - List of Inventory Differences

The report RM07IDIF generates a list ofinventory differences for one or morematerials. This list can be used for the following purposes:

  • Check list to be used after the physical inventory count

  • Statistics of physical inventory documents for which differences have
  • already been or are still to be posted

    Only those inventory differences are included that have been determinedfor an inventory document. Stockadjustments made on the basis of a material document without physicalinventory document are not taken into account.
    To print the list of inventory differences, you need the authorizationto display and print inventory differences in the given plant. (ObjectM_ISEG_WDB).

    First, the report generates a list of physical inventory documentswhere the book inventory balance deviates from the counted stock.
    For each physical inventory document, the following information isincluded:

    • Physical inventory document with physical inventory document items

    • Plant and storage location
      • Item data

      • Material
        Batch (if available)
        Book inventory balance at time of count
        Quantity counted (in stockkeeping unit)
        Difference quantity (in stockkeeping unit)
        Stockkeeping unit
        Difference quantity (in local currency) and currency
        Special stock indicator
        Then those physical inventory documents are listed whose inventorydifferences cannot be posted; that is, the period in which possibledifferences are to be posted is too far back. You can only delete theitems in question or the whole document. By choosing a line in which adocument that cannot be posted is contained, you can go to the "Changephysical inventory document" function.
        For these documents, the following data is provided:
        • Plant and storage location

        • Physical inventory document

        • Document date

        • Posting date

        • Indicator for posting block

        • Status of count

        • Status of difference posting


1269238Physical Inventory List for Romania