SAP Program RM07ICHK_LIST - Corr. Progr. for Phys. Inv. Docs w. Wrong Inv. Adjstmt Posting Status

Correction program for physical inventory (PI) documents in whoseheader an incorrect inventory adjustment posting status has been set.
You can correct faulty PI documents using report RM07ICHK.

The list shows all PI documents containing an incorrect inventoryadjustment posting status. You can correct these using function F11 =Post. If no list is generated, you can assume that the inventoryadjustment posting status in the document interval you specified iscorrect. This is important if the differences can still be posted -i.e. the posting is effected in the current or previous period. If thisis no longer the case, you should check the documents with F2 = ChangePhysical Inventory Document and arrange for a new physical inventory tobe carried out for the items that have not yet been posted (ifnecessary, execute in a second session "Create Physical InventoryDocument"). First you should set the deletion indicator for the itemsin the "incorrect" documents, however, since otherwise the physicalinventory is still active for these items.
If any errors should occur when the PI documents are updated, they aredisplayed to you in an error log. Please reprocess these documentsmanually.