SAP Program RM07AUMD - Analysis of Conversion Differences

Analysis of conversion differences

This report analyzes conversion differences that result during theconversion between a material's unit of entry and its base unit ofmeasure.
Rounding differences are most likely to occur when the stocks aremanaged in metric units (for example, meter, liter, kilogram) but thegoods movements are posted in non-metric units (for example, yard,gallon, pound).
Significant rounding differences may occur during conversion inparticular if a material's base unit of measure is not the lowest ofall the alternative units of measure.

For all the plants chosen, you need authorization to display materialdocuments (authorization object Material documents:Plant, activity 03).

For each material and plant you can analyze the goods movements for aspecified period of time and determine the resulting roundingdifferences separately for each stock. The following stocks are listedindividually:

  • the stock types
  • unrestricted-use, blocked and in quality inspection
    • all of a material's special
    • stocks
      • all of a material's batches

      • Note
        You cannot use this report to analyze goods movements that were postedin a release earlier than 3.0D.

        On the initial screen, you can select goods movements by the followingcriteria:

        • Posting date

        • Material

        • Plant

        • Special stock indicator

        • Threshold value

        • When you enter a threshold value, the system only issuesconversion differences for a stock if they exceed the threshold value.This enables you to exclude minor differences from the analysis.
          • Reason for movement

          • If you enter a reason for movement, the system interprets andand displays as adjustment postings all goods movements for which thisreason was specified. The system reduces the existing conversiondifferences by the amount of the adjustment postings.
            In Customizing for Inventory Management, you can define your own reasonfor movement for adjustment postings. To do this, choose MovementTypes ->Record Reason for Goods Movements.

            The system calculates the total of all receipts and issues and displaysthe quantity in the unit of entry and in the base unit of measure. Inthe Conversion difference column, the system displays therounding errors that resulted during the conversion.
            If you have already carried out adjustment postings and specified areason for movement in the process, the system also displays the totalof these adjustment postings.
            With the help of the balance of the conversion difference, you canmanually post the differences determined to correct the book inventorybalance. You should make the adjustment postings using the relevantreason for movement so that they reduce the amount of the existingconversion differences when the report is carried out again.