SAP Program RM06INP0 - Price Determination for Purchasing Info Records

The report calculates the current prices of the info records and (ifdesired) updates the latter with the results.

For each info record that satisfies the criteria set out in the initialscreen, this report calculates the new net and effective prices fromthe currently valid conditions.
If there is a variance from the prices stored in the info record, thenew prices can be adopted in the info record.
If there are no valid conditions, the prices in the relevant inforecords are not changed.

The Test run indicator determines whether the new prices are tobe adopted in the info records:

  • 'X' -> the report does not update the info records with the new prices;

  • ' ' -> the report updates the info records with the new prices.
  • Output
    The report generates a list containing only those info records inrespect of which the newly calculated prices differ from those of theinfo record. Included in the output are the old and the new prices.

410331Info record prices and expiring currencies (euro changeover)
392988Consulting: Prices in info record and RM06INP0
773516RM06INP0 - What are those check boxes for ?
685117Net Price in Info Record or Contract is wrong
430543FAQ: Purchasing info record
456690FAQ: Conditions in purchasing
488022RM06INP0 calculates price in incorrect currency
458384FAQ: Consulting for the changeover to the euro in purchasing
444587Incorrect values in info records, contracts
445417ME11/ME12-Source Overview selects deleted Condition
217262Runtime error text for TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED
397682RM06INP0: Valid-to-date (EINE-PRDAT) not updated
213563RM06INP0 - Price determination w/out consid.of POs