SAP Program RM06IBKI - Conv. of Consignment Val. Price Segments MKOP into Purch. Info Records

Report RM06IBKI creates a sequential file from the consignment pricesegments MKOP. Report RM06IBI0 can generate a batch input session fromthis file. When the session is processed, consignment info records aregenerated.
Conversion only makes sense if you wish to work with consignment inforecords. This means that the prices and conditions for a consignmentmaterial are then stored in an info record. When the consignmentmaterial is withdrawn from stores, it is valuated using the price fromthe consignment info record.
You define whether you wish to work with consignment price segments orconsignment info records in Customizing.

206905Consignment info record for RM06IBI0 already available
356726RM06IBI0: incorrect material in purchasing data