SAP Program RM06EKAB - Adapt Old Release Documentation Records to New Format

Report RBSERED can be used to transmit the release (order)documentation to the centrally agreed contract by means of ApplicationLink Enabling (ALE). Report RBSERED can be started via ALE (transactionME3A).
Report RBDSERED can only select release order documentation recordscreated as per the extended structure of the release documentationrecord (EKAB).
If you also wish to transmit release documentation records generatedaccording to the old structure (SAP Release 3.0X) to the centralcontract via ALE, you must first run this current report (RM06EKAB).
If you do not enter a purchase order number as one of the selectioncriteria, the system checks all release docu records and, if necessary(where the order category is initial), fills the unfilled fields fromthe associated purchase order. The order category is set to "F"(=purchase order).
The current report also allows you to fill the fields "Company code"and "Plant", which may also be initial (WERKS field exists in EKAB asof SAP Release 3.0E).
Filling the purchasing organization field is set as the default valuebut this can be suppressed.
If "Update" is not set, a list of records needing to be changed isgenerated.
After "Update" has been set, the changes are implemented. The number ofrecords changed is logged.