SAP Program RM06EEI1 - Transfer of Purchase Order History

This direct input program supplements the purchase orders created bythe program RM06EEI0 with the purchase order history and the necessaryaccounting documents for the GR/IR clearing account.
As input, the program needs the sequential file you specified beforerunning program RM06EEI0.
On the basis of the data specified in this file, the previously createdpurchase orders are updated as follows:

  • The processing status of the message record is updated ('not processed'
  • -> 'successfully processed')
    • If the PO history for a PO item is to be updated (field: MBEPOI-WEREF),
    • the following is done:
      The "delivery completed" or "final invoice" indicator is set in the POitem if specified
      The quantity delivered is updated in the PO schedule lines
      The final invoice indicator is updated in the account assignment dataif specified
      The PO history with regard to GRs and IRs relating to the PO item iscompiled
      If a PO history was compiled and the GR/IR clearing account is to beposted for this PO item (no delivery free of charge, GR allowed, nonon-valuated GR), accounting documents are generated, which then serveto create the required open items on the GR/IR clearing account. Forfurther information on the calculation of the open item amounts, andthe different characteristic values of field MBEPOI-WEREF, please referto the Implementation Guide. If a business area can be derived from theaccount assignment data of the PO item or the material division, thisbusiness area is also noted in the posting lines of the GR/IR clearingaccount. The contra entry is generally effected without the businessarea in balance sheet transfer accounts. The accounting document numbercan be taken from the "material document" field in the relevant POhistory record.

      Program parameters
      You can define the following parameters on the initial screen:

      • File name: please enter the logical file name under which the
      • sequential file can be accessed.
        • Update or test run: with these parameters you specify whether or not
        • the program is to be run in test mode only. If you specify the testmode, all the data transfer checks are carried out without the databasebeing updated. Please note that in test mode it is not possible tocarry out a check as to whether the accounting documents have beencreated correctly. If you decide on the update run, the POs andaccounting documents will be added to the database if found to besatisfactory following checking.
          • G/L accounts: via these parameters you specify the accounts for the
          • generation of the accounting documents. Please note that all accountingdocuments generated will generally be posted to these accounts. Forperformance reasons, the program does not carry out an automaticaccount determination process for the GR/IR clearing account.Accordingly, you should first check whether the clearing accountentered as a parameter agrees with the account that was determinedwithin the framework of account determination in productive operation.
            • Document types: with these parameters, you specify the document types
            • for the generation of the accounting documents.
              • Scope of log: with these parameters, you specify whether or not you
              • wish to have a detailed output of error messages for each PO item witherror identification and short error text.

                The purchase orders must have been transferred without errors viaprogram RM06EEI0 using the same sequential file.

                The program log contains:

                • Program statistics (start, end, number of records read etc.)

                • A listing of the numbers of the updated POs

                • A listing of the numbers of POs that were not updated (faulty POs)

                • A listing of the numbers of POs already updated (in the event of a
                • restart)
                  The detailed error log per PO item supplements this, provided you haveactivated the output of this log via the relevant program parameter.
                  This latter log contains:
                  • PO number

                  • PO item

                  • Message class

                  • Error category

                  • Error number

                  • Error short text
                  • Check
                    The following checks are made:

                    • Does the PO to be updated exist in the system?

                    • Was it possible to determine a business area on the basis of the
                    • division to which the material was assigned?
                      • Was it possible to create the necessary accounting documents?

                      • Was it possible to successfully update the purchase order in the
                      • database?
                        The accounting documents are created and the PO updated when all POitems have been checked and found to be satisfactory (DB commit).

                        The program allows restarting at the existing sequential file. A checkis made as to whether the PO history (EKBE) already exists in thesystem. If so, the purchase order is not updated again.
                        A database commit is initiated after each error-free updating of apurchase order.
                        Depending on the number of PO items to be transferred and theassociated run-time of program RM06EEI0, you are advised to carry out adatabase back-up between the running of program RM06EEI0 and therunning of program RM06EEI1 in order to be able to recreate the statussubsequent to the execution of program RM06EEI0 in the event thatunforeseen problems should arise while RM06EEI1 is running.
                        Reset programs for automatically updated POs and the accountingdocuments created are currently not available.
                        By means of the appropriate organizational measures, please ensure thatthe POs created by program RM06EEI0 are not changed manually prior tothe successful running of program RM06EEI1. Inconsistencies cannototherwise be ruled out.
                        For performance reasons, no SAP blocking logic (ENQUEUE/DEQUEUE) hasbeen implemented in the case of program RM06EEI1. Accordingly, you musttake the appropriate organizational measures to ensure that no user isable to make changes to the already created POs while the program isrunning. Inconsistencies cannot otherwise be ruled out.
                        The program run-time depends largely on your installation, yourorganization structure, and the quantity structure of your master andtransaction data.
                        As a rough estimate, however, it can be assumed that approx. 1000 POitems per hour can be handled.

502213Additional infos for data transfer of purchase orders