SAP Program RM06EEI0 - Transfer of Purchase Orders

This direct input program creates purchase orders using functionmodules. In a second step, program RM06EEI1 supplements these newlycreated POs with the purchase order history and the necessaryaccounting documents.
Please note the following restrictions:

  • The net price is based on one condition only (standard: PBXX):
  • additional conditions (discounts, surcharges) are not supported
    • Change documents cannot be compiled for the POs

    • PO items with multiple account assignment cannot be transferred

    • "Goods-receipt based" invoice verification is not supported

    • The PO items may not relate to materials subject to split valuation

    • Down payments and subsequent debits involving PO items are not possible

    • Inbound deliveries are not transferred

    • Subcontract orders, third-party orders, stock transport orders, service
    • orders and release orders are not transferred
      The program reads a sequential file containing records of thestructures MBEPOH (PO header) and MBEPOI (PO item), and generatespurchase orders from them.
      The data is expected in the sequential file in the following order:
      • For each PO header, a record of the structure MBEPOH,

      • For each PO item, a record of the structure MBEPOI.

      • All PO items up to the next PO header are assigned to the last-read POheader. Accordingly, the first record of the sequential file must be aPO header, whereas the last record of the file must be a PO item.
        For further information on the structure of the sequential file and onthe expected field formats and contents, please refer to theImplementation Guide.
        For test purposes, you can use program RM06EEEX to generate asequential file on the basis of POs that already exist in the system.

        Program parameters:
        You can maintain the following parameters on the initial screen:

        • File name: please specify the logical file name under which the
        • sequential file can be accessed.
          • Update or test run: with these parameters you specify whether or not
          • the program is to be run in test mode only. If you specify the testmode, all the data transfer checks are carried out without the databasebeing updated. If you decide on the update run, the purchase orderswill be added to the database after successful checking.
            • Scope of log: via this parameter, you specify whether or not you wish
            • to have detailed output of the error messages per PO item with erroridentification and short error text.

              Before you begin with the actual transfer of your purchase orders usingthis program, certain activities must be carried out. Among otherthings, the data extract for this program must be created andCustomizing settings checked or altered. For further information,please refer to the Implementation Guide.

              The program log contains:

              • Program statistics (start, end, number of records read etc.)

              • A listing of PO numbers added

              • A listing of PO numbers not added (i.e. faulty POs)

              • The detailed error log per PO item supplements this, provided you haveactivated the output of this log via the relevant program parameter.
                This latter log contains:
                • PO number

                • PO item

                • Message class

                • Error category

                • Error number

                • Error short text
                • Check
                  The same checks are made as in the case of the manual creation ofpurchase orders.
                  In addition, the system checks whether the order types and itemcategories are allowed for automatic PO transfer (see restrictions).
                  If the PO history is to be compiled using program RM06EEI1, (as per thespecification in field MBEPOI-WEREF), additional checks relating to theamount and quantity fields of the invoice and goods receipts are made.
                  A purchase order is only created if all PO items have passed thechecking process without errors.

                  Prior to transferring purchase orders with database updating, youshould carry out a database back up. Reset programs for automaticallycreated purchase orders are currently not available.
                  Restarting at the existing sequential file is possible. The programrecognizes that the PO in question is not to be added again byreference to the external PO number assigned by you.
                  A database commit is initiated after each newly created purchase order.
                  By means of the appropriate organizational measures, please ensure thatthe POs created via program RM06EEI0 are not changed manually beforeprogram RM06EEI1 has been run successfully. Inconsistencies cannototherwise be ruled out.
                  The program run-time depends largely on your installation, yourorganization structure, and the quantity structure of your master andtransaction data.
                  As a rough estimate, however, it can be assumed that approx. 4000 POitems per hour can be handled.
                  The complete documentation on data transfer with regard to purchaseorders is available in the SAP Library:
                  CA Cross-Application Components -> CA Data Transfer Workbench ->Data Transfer Objects by Application -> MM Materials Management -> MMPurchase Orders: Data Transfer Workbench.

481034FAQ: Data transfer (batch input) in purchasing
638362FAQ: Data transfer in the service
481776External purchasing document number not transferred
188444Order creation via FM: Efficient condition transfer
303342RM06EEI0: Terms of payment not created in PO