SAP Program RL_REPROCESSING - Reprocessing of returnable packaging account postings with errors

Reprocessing of Returnable Packaging Account Postings with Errors

When automatic or manual RP account postings are incomplete, they aresaved as reprocessing records.
This report allows you to select reprocessing records, add missing datato them and finally save them as complete account postings.

You are using returnable packaging account logistics.
Incomplete RP account postings have been saved as reprocessing recordsin the system.


Reprocessing records can be selected according to variousadministrative and business data. You restrict the selection enough tokeep the volume of data to be read and processed manageable.

Output and processing of reprocessing records takes place in the samedialog which is used for entering RP account postings manually. Thesystem reads the data and may determine a new status (if the accountwhich is being searched has been created in the meantime, for example).

In the reprocessing process,all functions which are also used for themanual entry of postings are available. It is, however, not possible tocreate new postings.
When automatic postings (based on material documents) are reprocessed,only data which hasnot been derived from preceding documents can beadapted.