SAP Program RL_LIST_POSTINGS - List of returnable packaging account postings (hierarchical display)

Overview Returnable Packaging Account Postings

Various lists exist for RP account postings. The system selectsaccounts stored in the database RLACCT (RP accounts) and RLACPOIT(account posting records) according to the selection parameters, addsdata from other databases (such as material, customer and vendormasters) and builds data structures for the ABAP list viewer (ALV).This data is transferred to the ALV, which formats the actual list.

You are using returnable packaging logistics.


The system selects RP account postings according to informationbelonging to RP accounts or to the postings themselves. The mostimportant selection criteria for an account are the returnablepackaging, the partner data or the account number itself. You can alsoselect postings using the posting number, the posting date or thereference document.
The system can take more attributes of accounts and postings intoaccount than those already mentioned. Using these other parametersexclusively, however, may slow down the performance of your systemconsiderably if tables are large. If the system cannot carry out theselection process efficiently, it will issue a warning message tellingyou to further restrict your selection.

You should only trigger this report from one of the SAP standardvariants or from variants derived from these. The variants use a hiddenfield to control which criteria are used to group the selected postingrecords. It is essential that you adopt the standard entry made in thisfield in your own variant. Note that the formatting of the selectionscreen can vary considerably depending on which variant you are using.
Fields which are rarely used for selections are hidden in the standardvariants. You can show them by selecting Edit -> All selections.
Each standard variant has its own screen.

The RP account postings selected by the system are displayed as ahierarchically sequential list. Each data record displayed in the listconsists of one posting item plus the corresponding header data andfurther information.
The posting records are grouped together according to the selectionvariant you have chosen. The common data of each group is displayed asheader information. In case you have grouped together all records withthe same RP account number, this information includes all dataregarding the RP account in question like returnable packaging and mainrelationship, for example. All other posting data is displayed as iteminformation.
If the posting records of one RP account are grouped together (SAPstandard selection variant & ACCT), the system can dynamicallycalculate interim balances according to thedelimitation type you chose on the selectionscreen. The delimitation type determines the logical sequence.
The length of the selection process increases if you work withdynamical calculation of interim balances.
You can adapt the selection of the fields displayed at header and atitem level to your needs and save them as display variants. You alsohave the possibility to define your own display variants as initialvariants. Display variants for lists with different groupings or withdifferent delimitation types (when records of one RP account aregrouped together) are maintained separately.
All other functions of the ABAP List Viewer are available forformatting the data.