SAP Program RL_LIST_ACCOUNTS - List of returnable packaging accounts (hierarchical display)

Overview of returnable packaging accounts

Various lists are outputted for returnable packaging accounts. Thesystem selects the accounts saved in the database RLACCT (RP accounts)according to the selection criteria, adds data from other databases(for example material/customer/vendor master) and builds datastructures for the ABAP List Viewer (ALV). This data is adopted in theALV, which actually compiles the list.

You work with Returnable Packaging Logistics.


You select returnable packaging accounts by entering returnablepackaging and partner relationship, or directly by entering the accountnumbers.
Other selection criteria can be used, however these should not be usedon their own, as the selection could then become tooperformance-intensive (depending on the size of the tables involved).The system issues a warning to make you aware if the criteria youentered may cause this problem.

You should only start this report using the selection variants shippedas standard by SAP, or variants created using them as a template. Thevariants run via a hidden field, from which criteria the accounts areselected and grouped. The contents of this field must be adopted intoany of your own variants.
Fields that are not often used have been hidden in the standardvariants. If required, you can display them via Edit->Allselections.
There is a separate transaction for each standard variant.

The selected returnable packaging accounts are displayed as ahierarchical, sequential list. Normally, for each account found, thesystem displays a data record at item level in the list.
Depending on the selection variant used, the accounts are groupedtogether, for example, by returnable packaging and location. The commondata for each group is displayed as header information. All otheraccount data is displayed as item information.
The selection variant SAP&ACCT that is used in transaction RL06A,Accounts with subordinate relationships , is an exception. Withthis variant, the list displaays the selected accounts as headerinformation, and the relationships that belong to them as iteminformation.
The exact selection of fields displayed at header or item level can beadjusted individually and saved as ABAP list viewer variants. You canalso define one of your own variants as initial variant. Displayvariants for lists with varying groupings are kept separate.
All the normal data display functions of the ABAP list viewer are alsoavailable.