SAP Program RLXPRACH - Check for Whse Mgmt tables T320 and T340D for XPRA RLXPRA40

For release 4.0, the storage location field hasbeen added to many Warehouse Management tables. Report RLXPRA40automatically fills this field during release upgrade. The reportretrieves the field content from table T320.
Report RLXPRACH checks WM assignment table T320 for the RLXPRA40 XPRA.Report RLXPRA40 is executed during system upgrade to release 4.0.RLXPRA40 retrieves the appropriate storage location for the plant andwarehouse number from table T320 and copies this storage location intothe database tables of the WM component. This requires that reportRLXPRA40 can find a unique storage location in table T320 for theplant/warehouse number combination. Before the actual release upgrade iscarried out, report RLXPRACH determines and displays all table entriesfor which RLXPRA40 will not be able to find a unique storage location.
If report RLXPRACH determines such error scenarios, you should informyour Warehouse Management administrators. Before the actual releaseupgrade is carried out, table T320 must be maintained properly to enablereport RLXPRA40 to determine a unique storage location for eachplant/warehouse number combination.
You can find this table in Customizing by choosing Enterprisestructure -> Maintain structure -> Assignment -> Materials Management ->Assign warehouse number to plant/storage location.
In the standard system, you cannot assign multiple storage locations ofa single plant to one and the same warehouse number in table T320. Thesystem will not allow you to do this, when you maintain this table inCustomizing. If you have made changes in Customizing so that multiplestorage locations of a single plant refer to the same warehouse numberin table T320, unrecoverable data losses may occur when report RLXPRA40is started automatically during release upgrade.
In a second step, report RLXPRACH performs a check for decentralizedWarehouse Management. The ECC Warehouse Management component can also beused as a decentralized system in conjunction with an R/2 InventoryManagement component. If you operate the WM component on this basis, youwere up to now not required to assign the plant/warehouse number to astorage location in table T320. However, starting with release 4.0, thisis absolutely necessary. In this second step, report RLXPRACH thereforechecks for all warehouse numbers marked as decentralized if an entryexists in table T320 that refers to the corresponding warehouse number.If the report cannot find an assignment for a specific warehouse number,it lists this warehouse number in the log.
For these warehouse numbers, you must maintain the assignment in tableT320 in accordance with the assignment in table 340 in the R/2 system.This is necessary for technical reasons and does not involve anyfunctional enhancements to the decentralized Warehouse Managementcomponent. For warehouse numbers that do not have an assignment in tableT320, the Warehouse Management component cannot be operated inproduction mode. This is why it is absolutely necessary to define theassignment before the release upgrade is carried out as data conversionis performed during the upgrade on the basis of this assignment. If theassignment table is changed after the release upgrade, no dataconversion will take place. Operation in production mode is not possibleeither.