SAP Program RLXPRA40 - Extension WM Tables by Storage Location

This report may only be run during system downtime when the releaseupgrade is implemented. If you start this program after going live,irretrievable data losses may be the result.
For release 4.0, the storage location field has been added to manyWarehouse Management tables. Report RLXPRA40 automatically fills thisfield during release upgrade. The report retrieves the field contentfrom table T320.
The report fills the storage location field in the following WarehouseManagement tables:

  • LQUA: Quants

  • All quants are processed.
    • LQUAB: Total quant counts for certain strategies

    • All quants of the total quant count are processed.
      • LTAP: Transfer order item

      • Only unconfirmed items are processed.
        • LTBP: Transfer requirement item

        • Items that are not yet marked as completely delivered as well as itemsmarked as completely delivered for which there are still open transferorder items are processed.
          • LUBU: Posting change document

          • Open and partially completed posting change notices are processed.
            • LINV: Inventory data per quant

            • All inventory items are processed whose status is other than "posted"and other than "cancelled".
              • T310: Pre-allocated stock

              • All pre-allocated stock records are processed.
                For release 4.0, the storage location field has been added to thesetables.
                How the report works
                The report processes all relevant Warehouse Management data in allclients of the current system.
                The report retrieves the content of the storage location field fromtable T320. You can find this table in Customizing by choosingEnterprise structure -> Maintain structure -> Assignment ->Materials Management -> Assign warehouse number to plant/storagelocation.
                The following example of table LQUA illustrates how the reportfunctions: For each record in table LQUA, the report accesses tableT320 and determines the appropriate storage location for the plant andwarehouse number in table LQUA. The report then copies the storagelocation from table T320 into the new storage location field in tableLQUA.
                !!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!!
                In the standard system, you cannot assign multiple storage locations ofa single plant to one and the same warehouse number in table T320. Thesystem will not allow you to do this, when you maintain this table inCustomizing. As a result, report RLXPRA40 can retrieve a unique storagelocation for the plant/warehouse number combination from this table. Ifyou have made changes in Customizing so that multiple storage locationsof a single plant refer to the same warehouse number in table T320,unrecoverable data losses may occur when you execute this report. Inthis case, contact WM administration. You can use report RLXPRACH tocheck table T320 before the actual release upgrade is implemented.
                If this report determines that multiple storage locations of a singleplant refer to the same warehouse number, the first storage location ofthis plant is used and written into the corresponding tables.
                In this case, the system does not issue an error message.
                The report will not select and process records for which nocorresponding entries exist in table T320. Such records cannot beprocessed by the standard programs and do thus not allow operation inproduction mode.