SAP Program RLWMPPC5_OLD - Consistency Check for Control Cycles

The report RLWMPPC5 (transaction LX43) checks theconsistency of the control cycles. This means thatyou can easily assess inconsistencies in the definition of the controlcycles, the prodution supply area and the correspondingreservations.
First, a check is carried out whether the storage
location /plant combination from the production supply area is allowed. If no corresponding entry isavailable in table T320, the traffic light is switched to 'red', and anerror text is output additionally.
Then, a check is carried out whether the staging indicators in thecontrol cycle match the staging indicators for the reservations.

  • If all reservations have the same staging indicator as the control
  • cycle, then the traffic light is set to 'green'.
    • If all reservations have the same staging indicator, but this does not
    • match the indicator for the control cycle, then the traffic light isswitched to 'yellow'.
      • If the staging indicators for the reservations for a control cycle
      • differ, then the traffic light is set to 'red'.
        A red traffic light which results from the storage location/ plantcheck is not overridden.