SAP Program RLWMPPC4 - Evaluation PP Order from WM View

This report evaluates PP orders from the WM point of view.

The first list screen displays all selectedproduction orders that are available with theirPP status. A traffic light symbol indicates the status of theproduction order from the WM point of view. This status depends on thestatuses of the reservations andtransfer requirements associated with theproduction order concerned. By double-clicking a line on the listscreen, you can display a list of these reservations and transferrequirements.
The screen that lists the reservations and transfer requirementsdisplays their statuses and some quantities. A traffic light symbolindicates any possible discrepancies between the reservations and thetransfer requirements.
The system controls for the traffic lights is based on the followingtable:

For pick parts:
|Status: Reservation | Status: Transfer reqmnt | Light |
|deleted | TR item processed | green |
|deleted | TR quantity <> reqmnt | red/yellow* |
|deleted | No TOs created yet | green |
|deleted | Requirement <> TO qty | red |
|deleted | No transfer requirement | green |
|not released | TR item processed | red |
|not released | TR qty <> reqmnt | red/yellow* |
|not released | No TOs created yet | red |
|not released | Reqmnt <> TO qty | red |
|not released | No TR | green |
|process completed | TR item processed | green |
|process completed | TR qty <> reqmnt | red/yellow* |
|process completed | No TOs created yet | red |
|process completed | Reqmnt <> TO qty | yellow |
|process completed | No TR | red |
|no GI posting | TR item processed | green |
|no GI posting | TR qty <> reqmnt | red/yellow* |
|no GI posting | No TOs created yet | green |
|no GI posting | Reqmnt <> TO qty | yellow |
|no GI posting | No TR | green/red** |
|GI qty <> reqmnt | TR item processed | green |
|GI qty <> reqmnt | TR qty <> reqmnt | red/yellow |
|GI qty <> reqmnt | No TOs created yet | red |
|GI qty <> reqmnt | Reqmnt <> TO qty | yellow |
|GI qty <> reqmnt | No TR | red |
* Yellow, if indicator 'Confirmed quantity' is set, otherwise red.
** Red, if order has been released and is WM-relevant, otherwise green.

Parts without WM staging:
Staging indicator = "0" : green

All other parts:
WM data updated in the reservation : green
Otherwise : red
If no staging indicator is set (Staging indicator = "__", but the itemis relevant to WM : red
The traffic light control on the level of the orders depends on thetraffic light colors on the level of the reservations and transferrequirements. As soon as the traffic light of areservation or transfer requirement item turns yellow orred, the traffic light for the corresponding PP order is set to yellowor red.