SAP Program RLWMPPC1 - WM-PP: Material Stock in Production Storage Bin

This report provides an overview of the quantity situation inproduction storage bins.
During the supply of material to production for materials to be pickeddirectly for the order (mat.staging indicator 1), there is a logic thatreduces the transported quantity during transfer order creation if anunrestricted-use quantity is identified in the storage bin.

It only makes sense, of course, to determine the unrestricted-usequantity only in production storage bins that are supplied withmaterial staging type 1 (picking directly for the order).

The report calculates detailed figures for the stock in the storage bin(available quantity and quantity to be placed into stock), the openquantities in transfer requirements for the storage bin, and therequirements situation based on components that are needed at therespective production storage bin.

Respective input data:
Warehouse number 001, Storage type 100, Storage bin PUB1-01-01
Plant 0001, Material MH-DESKBOX
Initial situation:
Production order 4711 for which 100 pieces of component MH-DESKBOX areneeded. The component was requested fully and the consumption hasalready been posted for 50 pieces.
For transfer requirement 0815, a transfer order for 60 pieces hasalready been created and confirmed.
The stock in the storage bin is 10 pieces; 0 pieces are to be placedinto stock.
This gives the following results:
Open TB quantity: 40 pcs (100 pcs - 60 pcs)
Available stock: 10 pcs
Qty for stock placement: 0 pcs
Reserved stock: 10 pcs (100 pcs - 50 pcs - 40 pcs)
Unrestricted-use qty: 0 pcs (10 pcs + 0 pcs - 10 pcs)