SAP Program RLVST333 - Create Bins for Interim Storage Types

This program adds predefined storage bins forinterim storage areas to the data base.
For each type of goods movement used in the WM system, you define,among other things, at least one interim storage type (or area). Whenyou define the interim storage area for the movement type, you alsospecify the type of coordinate that will be used to identify thestorage bins within the interim storage area.
Storage bins for an interim storage area can have:

  • predefined coordinates

  • dynamic coordinates

  • fixed coordinates

  • For information about dynamic and fixed coordinates, refer to theMM WM Guide.
    When you specify a predefined coordinate for an interim storage area,the system posts the quant that has been created by the specificmovement type to the storage bin (coordinate) predefined for thatmovement type.
    If the quant is created by a goods receiptposting, it is subsequently moved from the interim storage area andstorage bin to a storage bin within the warehouse.
    If the quant is created by a goods issue posting,the goods are moved from storage bins in the warehouse to thepredefined storage bin in the goods issue interim storage area.

    Adding Predefined Storage Bins to the Data Base
    After you have identified the storage bins (coordinates) for theinterim storage areas in the movement types, you must add thesepredefined storage bins to the data base. Usually you do this oncewhen the WM system is first installed. However you use this taskwhenever you add a new WM movement type for which you have predefined astorage bin for the interim storage area.
    You create the storage bins for interim storage areas as follows:
    On the initial screen of this program, enter a warehouse number andselect Execute.
    The system displays a list. This list contains all the storage bins(with the comment 'Missing') that have not yet been added to thedatabase (but have been predefined), and the storage bins (with thecomment 'Existing') that were already added to the database for thewarehouse. The system can also display storage bins with the comment'Inconsistent', if a storage bin exists in the database but does nothave a storage type for the movement type.
    To create storage bins that have been predefined but not yet added tothe data base, select Create Bins.
    The system returns to the initial screen with a message confirming thecreation of the storage bins.