SAP Program RLVSDR00 - Initiate Printing of Transf.Order

This report (RLVSDR00) is started when creating the transferorders. However, you can also call the report directly viaTransfer order -> Print.
If you only enter the warehousenumber and transfer ordernumber when starting the report, the program searches for therequired control data in the print control tables in Customizing.In Customizing, you can also perform an evaluation of the printcontrol tables.
Maintaining print control tables

The program lists transfer order data and transfers them to thecorresponding SAPSCRIPT layout set. Please consider the followingwhen making changes:
If you want to make changes, copy the print report and thecorresponding Include so that your system remains upwardlycompatible. The following programs are included:
RLVSDR90 TO single printing
RLVSDR91 TOmultiple picking lists (notmultiple processing printing -> RLKOMM00)
RLVSDR92 TO postingchanges
RLVSDR31 storage unitdocuments
RLVSDR30 sort sequence for TO printing
RLVSEXTE Printing from the update program whencreating a transfer order
RLVSMGEF Printing hazardous material texts duringsingle printing
Store your print report in the warehouse number table inCustomizing.
Layout adjustments:
Create new layout sets instead of changing existing ones andinclude them in the print control tables.
Adjusting the layout
Bar codes:
The layout sets in the warehouse have already been equippedwith bar codes.
When you print a special bar code standard, you have to storethe necessary printer sequences in the spool administration.
Defining the bar code format
Maintaining spool parameters
Other sort sequence:
You can preselect a sort sequence in Customizing. The followingsort sequences are defined:
1 (routine 1) no special sort sequence, that is, according to TOitem
2 Sort sequence according tosource storage type and source storage bin
3 Sort sequence according todestination storage type and destinationstorage bin
4 Sort sequence according to material number
5 - 10 free
New fields:
If you want to print fields from the layout set that are notcontained in the transfer order data, for example the customerdata, you must specify these fields in the layout set, importthem into the print report, and include them in the internaltable of the TO item data. You can only print fields from thelayout set that are defined in the ABAP/4 Repository.
Tips for testing:
If you perform the print report directly from the workbench,you can redirect the printout to the screen by selecting therespective indicator.