SAP Program RLVERIFY - Fill Verification Field in Warehouse Master

With the help of this report, you can fill the Verificationfield in the storage bintable. The system uses this field for control purposes for applicationsusing RF technology for mobile data entry (MDE).
For example, you can use the barcode to check whether or not the pickeris actually picking stock from the correct storage bin.
For filling the field, there are three options:

  • Copy the complete storage bin coordinates as verification. In this
  • case, the storage bin coordinates are simply copied into theverification field.
    • Use part of the storage bin coordinates as verification. For this
    • option, only part of the storage bin coordinates are copied into theverification field.
      For example, if you need to check whether a picker is in the correctaisle and at the correct stack, it is sufficient to copy the aisle andstack coordinates into the verification field. (See example below.)
      • Use a customer exit. With this option, you can fill the verification
      • field using a self-programmed algorithm.
        For example, one possibility is to use several MODULO operations on thestorage bin coordinates to find a check digit. The correspondingcustomer exit is MWMMOB01.

        The verification field is only analyzed in connection with MDE (RFtechnology).

        For all three options, the system first processes a list that displaysthe storage bin coordinates and the verification field for the selectedbins. The changes are not copied until you choose UPDATE fromthis display list.

        For Option 2: The storage bin coordinates are based on thefollowing pattern: RR-SS-LL (R = row, S = stack, L = level)
        For this example, only the row and stack are to be copied into theverification field to check whether the picker is in the predescribedrow and correct stack.
        For this check, the template must be filled out as follows:
        1 2 (blank) 3 4
        For the storage bin coordinates "01-03-05" the entry 0103 is copiedinto the verification field.