SAP Program RLTREQ00 - Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Confirm TOs (WMTCID01-IDOC)

You can use this report to test the interface between an external system(subsystem) and the WM system for creating or cancelling transferrequirements.
On the basis of this report, you can simulate the receipt of the IDOCWMTRID01 (Create transfer requirement) and thus also the creation orcancellation of transfer requirements.
The following test options are provided with this report:

  • Testing via ALE interface

  • The IDOCS set up in this report are passed to the function module"INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS". Further processing is the same as for thestandard interface from an external system via the ALE connection, thatis, IDOCs are created, the respective application module is called upfor processing the IDOCs and, if there is an error, the workflow isactivated.
    So that the receipt from ALE can be processed, the partner connectionfor the external system to be tested and the message type "WMTREQ" mustbe defined. In the selection of the report, the external system must beentered as the sender. As recipient enter the logical name of the SAPSystem in which this test is taking place. This name is defined as alogical system in the client table. If the sender is maintained (in thedistribution model), it is determined by the report and displayed in theselection screen.
    In addition, you can run this test in the background. To do so, selectthe option "In Background Task".
    • Test confirmation directly.

    • The created IDOCs are passed directly by this report to the applicationfunction module (L_IDOC_INPUT_WMTREQ) for processing. As a result ofthe processing, the individual transfer requirements are created orcancelled. Also, if processing is correct, a log with the data that ispassed on from this function module to ALE is created. This type oftesting is appropriate if processing is to be tested within theapplication.
      To activate this type of test, select the option "Call up processingdirectly".
      • Testing between two SAP Systems

      • In this case, the communication can be tested for creating transferrequirements. The communication takes place between two SAP systems orbetween two clients, that is, the behavior of the external system issimulated by the transmitting SAP System. To test the IDOC receipt,this type of testing is not absolutely necessary since testing with thefirst option is equally efficient.
        For this test, too, you must specify the systems involved. As sender,enter the logical name of the SAP System in which the test is takingplace in the selection screen of the report. As receiver, enter thelogical name of the SAP System to which data is to be transferred. Thereport only determines the name of the sender autmatically. In thereceiving SAP system, define the partner connection in the inbox for thesender and the message type WMTREQ.
        To activate this test, select the option "In Background Task" and enterthe logical RFC destination.
        Careful: Testing this interface leads to database changes. Ifprocessing is successful, transfer requirements from the IDOCs arecreated or cancelled.

        The data is passed on as an intermediate structure WMTRID01. Theselected transfer requirements serve as a basis for IDOC processing,that is, a transfer requirement that already exists in the system is thebasis for creating the IDOC.
        If you request the option "Create transfer requirement", IDOCs arecreated from the selected transfer requirements. Certain data, such asthe movement type and the quantity, can be used as reference data andadopted in the IDOC.
        The selection "Cancel transfer requirement" has two options:

        • The created IDOC should set the selected transfer requirement to
        • completely delivered. Here the indicator "delivery completed" is to beset.
          • The created IDOC is to change the quantity of the transfer requirement.
          • Here you can enter either a positive or a negative "Quantity to becancelled" to reduce or increase the transfer requirement quantity.
            The reference number serves as an additional identification of thetransfer requirement. The transfer requirement number is only assignedin WM when the transfer requirement is created so that the externalsystem can only show the reference to the transfer requirement createdfrom the IDOC via a field passed on with the IDOC, that is, via thereference number. When a transfer requirement is cancelled, thereference number must also be specified so that the transfer requirementto be cancelled in WM can be determined.
