SAP Program RLTORD00 - Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Transfer Orders in WM

With this report you can simulate the receipt oftransfer orders (TAs).
Existing transfer order data is used as test data.
There are several ways of starting the report.
Processing directly
You call up the function module L_IDOC_INPUT_WMTORD directly. NoIDOC is created and the data flow can be followed up.
In Background Task
If you do not enter an RFC destination, the ALE function module"INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS" is called up, which, in turn, creates IDOCs andpasses on the data to the above function module. The database commit(that is, the actual posting of the transfer orders) is controlled byALE so that a status follow-up of the individual IDOCs is possible.
If you enter an RFC destination, you can process the data with the ALEfunction module in another SAP System (this can be appropriate for testreasons, but is not necessary for receiving data from an externalsystem).

The data is passed on as an intermediate structure WMTOID01(Transaction /nWE30). Since this IDOC structure is also used forsending transfer orders, the following special aspects should be noted:
The segment E1LTORI takes over the VSOLM from the TO items and usesMEINS as the unit of measure. If you set up this segment in thesubsystem, the TO quantity must be specified in the field VSOLM and theunit of measure in the field MEINS.
As of Release 3.0, the special number has a 24-digit external format.This must also be entered into the subsystem.

A log is issued if the report is called up directly. If you use ALE,however, IDOCs are generated and the TOs are created asynchronously.Therefore there is no direct log. But you can view the generated IDOCsusing the evaluation transactions of the ALE group.