SAP Program RLTOCO10 - Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Confirm TOs (WMTCID01-IDOC)

You can use this report to test the interface between an externalsystem (subsystem) and the WM system for confirming storage units.
On the basis of this report, you can simulate the receipt of the IDOCWMTCID01 (Confirm TO) and thus also simulate the confirmation of thestorage unit.
The test options of the report are described under the documentationfor the report RLTOCO00.
Careful: Testing this interface can lead to database changes. Ifprocessing is successful, the storage units defined in the IDOC orcertain transfer order items of a storage unit are confirmed.

The data is passed on as an intermediate structure WMTCID01. Theselected storage units serve as a basis for IDOC processing. For eachstorage unit, one IDOC is created. The following options are availablefor confirming a storage unit:

  • The entire storage unit is confirmed, that is, all the transfer orders
  • of a storage unit are confirmed without differences. To test this typeof confirmation, activate the parameter "Confirm entire SU (IST=SOLL)".
    • The TO items are confirmed individually. For this purpose, activate
    • the parameter "Confirm individual items". If you select individualitem confirmation, you can select individual items of a transfer orderor a storage unit and enter differences. If you want to confirm the TOitems without differences, activate the parameter "Confirm withoutdifferences".
      • The entire storage unit is verified. However, the selected items of a
      • transfer order (select parameter "transfer order" and "transfer orderitem") are entered with differences. In this case, the items areconfirmed with the differences you enter. All the other TO items areconfirmed without differences. Here you must activate the parameter"Entire SU with individual items". Then you enter the differences forone or several selected TO items.
        All TO items with zero stock check must be confirmed individually. Hereyou must either confirm that the bin is empty or enter the remainingquantity.

        The output options of the report are described unter the documentationof the report RLTOCO00.