SAP Program RLTOCO00 - Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Confirm TOs (WMTCID01-IDOC)

You can use this report to test the interface between a subsystem andthe WM system for confirming transfer orders.
With this report you can simulate the receipt of the IDOC WMTCID01(confirm TO) and thus also the confirmation of the transfer order.
The following test options are available for the report:

  • Testing via ALE interface

  • The IDOCs set up in this report are passed to the function module'INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS'. Further processing is executed in the same wayas for the normal interface from the subsystem via ALE, that is, IDOCsare generated, the respective function module for processing the IDOCsis called up, and, if there is an error, the workflow is activated.
    So that the receipt can be processed by ALE, you must set the partnerdefinition for the external system to be tested as well as the messagetype WMTOCO. You must enter the external system as the sender in thereport selection screen. As receiver, enter the logical name of the SAPSystem in which this test is to take place. This name is defined in theclient table as a logical system. If the sender is maintained in theDistribution Model, this is determined by the report and displayed inthe selection screen.
    In addition, this test can run in the background. To do so, select theoption "In Background Task".
    • Testing confirmation directly.

    • The created IDOCs are passed for processing by this report to theapplication function module (L_IDOC_INPUT_WMTOCO). As a result of theprocessing, the individual transfer orders are confirmed and the systemissues a log with the data that is returned (if processing runsnormally) by this function module to ALE. This type of testing isappropriate if processing is to be tested within the application.
      To activate this type of test, select the option "Call up processingdirectly".
      • Testing between two SAP systems.

      • In this case, the communication can be tested for TO confirmation. Thecommunication takes place between two SAP systems or between twoclients, that is, the behavior of the subsystem is simulated by thetransmitting SAP System. To test the receipt of the IDOC, this type oftest is not absolutely necessary since testing with the first option isequally efficient.
        For this test, also, the systems involved must be specified. As sender,enter the logical name of the SAP System in which you are testing intothe selection screen of the report. As receiver, enter the logical nameof the SAP System to which the data is to be passed. The report candetermine only the name of the sender automatically. In the receivingSAP System, you must set the partner definition in the inbox for thesender and the message type WMTOCO.
        To activate this test, select the option "In Background Task" and enterthe logical RFC destination.
        Careful: Testing this interface can result in database changes.If processing is successful, for example, the TOs defined in the IDOCsare confirmed.

        The data is passed as an intermediate structure WMTCID01. The selectedtransfer orders serve as a basis for the IDOC processing. One IDOC iscreated for each transfer order. You can confirm a transfer order asfollows:

        • The entire transfer order is verified, that is, all the TO items
        • relevant for an external system are confirmed without differences. Totest this type of confirmation, the parameter "Confirm entire TO(ACT=TARG)" must be activated.
          • The TO items are verified individually. For this purpose, you must
          • activate the parameter "Confirm individual items". If you confirm theitems one by one, you can select individual items of a transfer orderand enter differences. If the TO items are to be confirmed withoutdifferences, the parameter "Confirm without differences" needs to beactivated.
            • The entire transfer is verified. Here the selected items (selected by
            • the parameter "TO item") are confirmed with differences. In this case,the items are confirmed with the differences you enter. All the otherTO items are confirmed without differences. For this purpose, activatethe parameter "Entire TO with individual items" and enter thedifferences for one or several selected TO items. All TO items withzero stock check must be confirmed individually. Here you eitherconfirm the bin as being empty or enter a remaining quantity.
