SAP Program RLSUMO00 - Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Move Storage Unit (WMSUID01 IDOC)

You can use this report to test the interface between an externalsubsystem and the WM system for stock movements involvingstorage units.
You can simulate the receipt of the IDOC WMSUID01 (move storageunit) and, thus, the creation of transfer orders for the storage unit.
The following test options are available for this report

  • Testing via the ALE interface

  • IDOCs created in this report are passed to the function moduleINBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS. Further processing takes place in the samemanner as with the normal interface from the external system via theALE layer. That is, IDOCs are created; the corresponding functionmodule for the application used to process the IDOC is initialized; ifan error occurs, the workflow is activated.
    So that data can be processed by ALE, you must define the partnerprocessing for message type WMSUMO and for the external systemthat is to be tested.
    When selecting the report, you enter the external system as the"sender". You select the logical name of the R/3 System in which thistest is to take place as the "receiver". This name is defined in theclient table as a logical system. If the sender and receiver aremaintained in the distribution model, the report will display them asoptions in the selection screen.
    To process this test in the background, select In background task
    • Testing the Confirmation Directly

    • This report passes the IDOCs that were generated directly to theapplication function module L_IDOC_INPUT_WMSUMO for processing.As a result of this processing the individual transfer orders areconfirmed and a log with the data is placed into a list that can bepassed back from this function module to the ALE layer during normalprocessing. It is meaningful to use this type of testing if you want totest the processing within the application itself.
      To activate this type of test, select Select processing directly
      • Testing between two R/3 Systems

      • In this option, you can test the communication for moving storageunits. The communication takes place between two R/3 systems (or twoclients), that is, the R/3 System that is sending simulates the way theexternal system will react. This type of testing is not reallynecessary to test the receipt of the IDOCs, since testing with thefirst option is just as efficient for this purpose.
        The systems involved must also be specified for this test. You enterthe logical name of the R/3 System in which you are working as the"sender" in the selection screen. You enter the logical name of theR/3 System to which the data will be passed as the "receiver". Thereport can only find the name of the sender automatically. Uponreceipt, you must define the partner definition for the sender and themessage type WMSUMO.
        To activate this test, you must select the option In backgroundtask and enter a logical RFC-Destination.
        Caution: The test for this interface changes the database. Ifthe processing is successful, the system creates transfer orders forthe storage units defined in IDocs.

        Data is passed in the format of the intermediate structure WMSUID01
        . The selected storage units serve as a basis for the IDocprocessing. One IDOC is created for each storage unit. You must enterthe destination (storage type, storage bin) of the stock movement forthe selected storage unit. In addition, you can select the storage unittype and the reference number to further identify the movement.
