SAP Program RLSUB010 - Overview of WM Messages Transmitted to External Systems

You can use this report to gain a global overview of the data that weresent from the WMS to external systems via the WCU interface. Thetransferred data is looked at from the point of view of the applicationand the individual data are referred to as messages. The followingmessages are considered in this case:

  • The sent transfer orders - each transfer order item is displayed as a
  • message
    • The sent cancellation requests - each transfer order item to be
    • cancelled is displayed as a message
      • The relevant groups - each group to be sent is displayed as a message.

      • The overview is displayed as a hierarchy. The total number of messagessent is listed on every level of the hierarchy tree.
        The individual levels of the hierarchy have the following meaning:
        • Root for the sending system, that is, the SAP System of the current
        • client
          • The participating external systems (as the receiving systems) below the
          • sending system
            • The individual message types below an external system

              • The individual variants of a message below a message type

                • The individual data below the variants split up into the statuses
                • 'Open' or 'Confirmed'.

                  Starting from the message levels, you can display the details for theindividual messages. If, for example, you choose the detail display on'Transfer order' level, a list of all transfer order items is displayedthat were sent to a specific external system. If, on the other hand,you choose the detail display on the 'Open' level, only the items thatare not yet confirmed are displayed.

                  This report can only be used for the warehouse number for which the WCUinterface is actively used via ALE.