SAP Program RLSAMM10 - Analysis of Groups

This report provides you with an overview of the groups of a warehousenumber. The selected groups are analyzed with respect to the degree towhich they have been processed.
You can limit your selection further using the following criteria:

  • Group from ... to ...

  • Reference document category

  • Creation date from ... to ...

  • Also, you can specify whether additional data on open transfer orders isto be determined.

    The system displays a list with a matrix with totals information on theselected groups.
    On the Y axis, the reference document types are shown:

    • Deliveries

    • Transfer requirements

    • All reference document types (totals from transfer requirements and
    • deliveries)
      On the X axis, the following information on the individual referencedocument types is issued:
      • Newly created groups (New)

      • Groups already active (Active)

      • Groups completely processed by creating transfer orders (Completed)

      • Released or printed groups (Released)

      • Total for groups (Total)

      • Information on open (not yet confirmed) transfer orders, if this was
      • requested on the selection screen.
        You can branch to another list by positioning the cursor on any matrixpoint and choosing Goto -> Overview groups.
        This list gives you an overview of groups with the followinginformation, for example:
        • Reference of group to transfer requirement or delivery

        • Group description

        • Creation date

        • Status "group active" (Ac)

        • Status "transfer orders created completely" (Cr)

        • Status "group released" (Rl)

        • Status "open transfer orders for group" (OT)

        • You can branch to yet another list by selecting a line item andGroup.
          This list gives you an overview of the reference documents in a group.The status of the reference document is also issued:
          • Partially picked - Processing status

          • Transfer order completely created -