SAP Program RLSAMM01 - Selection of Deliveries for Multiple Processing in LE-WM

This report is used as sample report for selectingdeliveries formultiple processing in theWarehouse ManagementSystem and is defined for online and background operation.
In the standard SAP System, you can select deliveries ortransfer requirements formultiple processing via online transactions. However, this actionshould mainly be performed in the background. The deliveriesor transfer requirements should be selected according to certaincriteria and distributed according to different algorithmsbetween reference numbers withoutthe end user having to intervene.
The criteria for selection and distribution can stronglydiffer, depending on the customer. Therefore, this report shouldbe used as a basis so that you can create your own report withyour own criteria.
The source code of this report is structured in several steps.Thus, the structure of your own report can be simplified withthis structuring. The individual steps that are marked accordinglyin the source code are explained in more detail in the nextsection.

  • STEP 1:

  • The deliveries are selected by means of the selection criteriaentered in the request screen.
    In this sample report, this step equals the transaction"Delivery Selection for Multiple Processing".
    • STEP 2:

    • Deliveries selected in step 1 that have already been includedin reference numbers are deselected in this step.
      This step is required to prevent that documents (deliveries ortransfer requirements) are allocated twice to different referencenumbers.
      • STEP 3:

      • In this step a check is made whether deliveries were selectedfor further processing in step 1 and step 2.
        • STEP 4:

        • In this step, the selected deliveries are split up.
          In the given example, the deliveries are split up into portionsfor each shipping point, route and picking date that do notexceed a total capacity of 25 m3. At the same time, a ramp numberis assigned for each delivery portion.
          • STEP 5:

          • In this case, the reference numbers are created. To do this,function module L_REF_CREATE is called for each delivery portion(see step 4).
            Before that, a reference number text is created as follows:
            Picking date / ramp / total weight
            • STEP 6:

            • In this last step, a log of the created reference numbers isissued. If you start the report online, the log is displayed onthe screen. If you perform the report in the background, theresult is written to the background log.

              If you start the report online, the reference numbers generatedby the system are listed with reference number text. The totalnumber of reference numbers is given in the footer.
              If you perform the report in the background, this informationis written to the background log.