SAP Program RLS30010_OLD - Expiration Date Information List

This report delivers an oveview of materials with critical shelf lifeexpiration date.
You must enter at least a warehouse number. You can select theselection further using material, plant, storage type and storage location.
You define an upper limit in days, using the remaining shelf life
parameter for the materials to be selected. Depending on thesetting of this parameter, the system considers the remaining shelflife when selecting the materials.
If you mark the storage bin and storage unit shown field, thesystem creates a detailed list. The relevant storage bin and thestorage unit (for active storage unit management)are then listed for each material selected.

The list only contains materials relevant to shelf life expirationdate.

If you do not mark the storage bin and storage unit shown field,the system produces an aggregated list. This list is subdivided intodifferent groups. Each group is defined specifically by plant,warehouse number and material. An entry is generated for each group forequal remaining shelf life per storage type, for which the total stockfor all storage bins is listed in this storage type. The system thencalculates the total stock, using all the entries for a group. Theevaluation results either after "total remaining shelflife" or "remaining warehouse shelf life.
Grouping is also carried out for the detailed list, for which aspecific assignment to plant, warehouse number and material is carriedout. There is an entry per storage type and storage unit. The totalstock is defined per group.