SAP Program RLS10080 - Warehouse Index According to Hazardous Incident Ordinance

According to paragraph six of the 12th regulation for implementing thefederal law for the protection against emissions (BImSchV) from May 19,1988, a person running a warehouse for dangerous goods (defined inappendix 2) must create an index containing the usual tradedescriptions, the quantity, the relevant storage location, and anydangerous reactions/counter-reactions when using extinguishers orprotective means for all goods stored in the warehouse.
You can use this report to create an index based on a regional orstate-specific regulation on hazardous incidents.

The system displays a list of the effects of fire-fighting methods,with regards to the dangerous effects that may be caused by thehazardous substances in the warehouse.
The following information is displayed for the hazardous substances:

  • Hazardous substance number

  • Concentration of hazardous substance

  • Hazardous substance indicator

  • Aggregate status

  • Total stock
  • Selection
    The system only displays stocks from storage types that are indicatedas hazardous substance storage areas according to storage type control.