SAP Program RLS10040 - Capacity Used per Storage Type

With this report, you can create the capacity used and the utilizationof capacity for several storage types within a warehouse number.

If you have set the output storage type overview, an overview ofthe total results of all storage types is generate, in addition to thedetail analyses.

You receive a list of extent of capacity used for each storage type,with the following information:

  • Number of storage bins reserved

  • Number of empty storage bins

  • Capacity in percent

  • Utilization of capacity in percent (if possible to calculate)

  • Storage bins which contain at least one quant count as reserved. Thecapacity is calculated from the relationship of the reserved storagebins with their total number.
    The utilization of capacity links the total capacity of a storage binwith its capacity utilized. The utilization is dependant on thecapacity check and the Customizing settings.
    Detail screen for storage bin
    All Customizing settings for the storage type which can have aninfluence on the creation of the warehouse utilization of capacity arelisted, for example:
    Storage Unit Management
    Putaway strategy
    Capacity check
    Mixed storage
    Addition to existing stock
    Stock removal strategy
    • List of storage bins

    • The individual storage bins are listed according to the cursor position
      • Graphic

      • The specifications for capacity and utilization of capacity in thetext/ number block are presented graphically according to the cursorposition.