SAP Program RLREOT00 - Archiving Report for Transfer Orders in the WM System

This report archives confirmed transferorders that have been in the Warehouse Management system for aspecified number of days.
Using this program, it is possible to archive transfer orders inseveral warehouse numbers simultaneously.
For test purposes you can display a summary list of the number oftransfer orders that will be archived and deleted from the systembefore initiating the process. See the instructions under "Output"below.
In the attributes of the report, you must enter the value L_ARCH intothe authorization group. In this way, you can protect the archivingprograms from being started unintentionally. For this purpose, anauthorization with the value L_ARCH must be maintained for theauthorization object S_PROGRAM and this value must also be entered intothe respective user profiles. The authorization SAP_ALL must beremoved from the user profiles.

We recommend that you do not start this report directly, but ratherwith the transaction /nSARA which initializes the generalarchiving administration program.
You should become particulary familiar with the transaction/nSARA before you start an archiving program.Archiving and the deletion of transfer ordersfrom the data base have been separated into two reports in Release 3.0of the SAP system. The deletion report (RLREOT10) can only delete datathat it reads from the Archive.
The archive report creates the archives and then starts the deletionprogram as a job for each archive. The size of the archive files canbe set in advance. For much of the data, the performance can beimproved significantly in this manner since archiving and deletionprograms are processed simultaneously.
You set up the system as follows:
Check the path and archive names that are in the platform-independenttable of archive names. The system then references a logical data paththat you can maintain as a system parameter.
Create variants for the reports:
For the deletion report and the archiving report, use transaction
Define the size of the archive file in MB and/or limit the maximumnumber of documents per archive file using transaction /nSARA.
If you want to save the archive optically, you maintain the data foroptical archiving with transaction /nSARA. For information aboutoptical archiving, see the documentation that is marked as such.Optical archiving can be used as a simple add-on function.

If you start this report without deleting transfer orders and withoutarchiving (that is, if you select only the check box for Test run), the system displays a summary log with the number of transferorders that will be archived from each table. When you start the reportto archive and delete transfer orders using the transaction/nSARA, the system does not display a log online.
In any case, you have to maintain the spool data and can decide whetheryou want the summary of the archived and deleted documents to beprinted or stored in a spool file.
To display data in the archive, use report RLRT0001.
You can find archiving management data using the transaction/nSARA. The PATH and FILE names are of particular significance.
To display an overview with job processing data, you use the joboverview transaction /nSM37. You can also start the joboverview from within transaction /nSARA.

601226Archiving RL_TA, RL_TB: Standardizations