SAP Program RLREOLPQ - Reset Inventory Data in Storage Bins and Quants

This report is used for reorganizing the inventory data in the storagebin and the bin quant. You can select the bins and quants using thewarehouse number and the storage type. The system will reorganize onlybins and quants that are not blocked and are not included in a currentinventory procedure. The system resets the inventory number and item,the indicator for the inventory as well as the inventory date in thebins. In the quants, the inventory number and the item are reset.

You should run this report at the beginning of a new inventory period(for example, at the beginning of the calendar year).
If you have a storage type with cycle counting inventory, you shouldnot delete the quant data because otherwise the inventory datareference will be missing. Then the next cycle counting selectionwould not start at the existing inventory data and would propose fartoo many bins for inventory. If you have cycle counting, therefore, besure to reset the bin data only.

This report provides you with a log of all the totals as well as thebins and quants that could not be reset.