SAP Program RLOY_PPA_TXN_EXTRACT - Download Partner Point Transactions to CSV

This report does the following for a given Partnership ID:

  • Selects all the records which have been posted between the specified
  • dates.
    • Creates a CSV file containing all the Partner Point Transactions.

    • Creates an attachment in the Partnership overview page to access this
    • CSV file.


      • Partnership ID: The Partnership containing point transactions to be
      • exported.
        • From Date: Partner Point Transactions that have the posting date as the
        • specified date. The Partner Point Transactions posted on or after thisdate are selected for export.
          • To Date: Partner Point Transactions that have posting date as the
          • specified date. The Partner Point Transactions posted up to this dateare selected for export. If the 'To Date' is not specified when thereport is executed, it is set to current system date.

            A link for the exported file is created in the Attachmentsassignment block on the Partnership overview page.
            The log of the report execution can be seen using SLG Logs. Thetransaction used is SLG1.