SAP Program RLOY_CRD_ATC_GENERATE - Anonymous Temporary Cards Generation

This report is used to create anonymous temporary cards for a loyaltyprogram. The anonymous temporary cards are used to create anonymousmemberships through member activities.

A loyalty program must be present before any anonymous temporary cardsare created. Anonymous temporary cards are always associated to aloyalty program.

Execution of this report creates a CSV file in the loyalty program underattachments assignment block in IC web client UI which contains 'N'number of anonymous temporary cards with external card numbers, where'N' is number of cards entered while executing.

Program Details
Loyalty Program - Program for which anonymous temporary cards need to begenerated. This is a mandatory field. This program should be in releasedstatus.
Loyalty Campaign - Campaign of type relevent to loyalty which is thechild of entered program. This field can be entered only after loyaltyprogram is entered. This campaign should be in released status.
Card Details
Number of Cards - Number of anonymous temporary cards to be generatedfor the program.
Validity Period
Valid From -,,Indicates validity start date for anonymous temporarycards. By default the current date is filled in.
Enter Expiration Procedure,,(Radio button) - Accepts procedure forvalidity period from the date mentioned in Valid From.
Enter Valid To (Radio button) - Indicates validity end date foranonymous temporary cards.
Note: You can select either 'Enter Expiration Procedure' or 'Enter ValidTo' but not both.

A success message is displayed if CSV file with the indicated number ofcards are created for the program in attachment assignment block.