SAP Program RLOY_CARD_EXP_REPLACE - Loyalty Management: Card Renewal Report

This report is used to expire, replace and renew loyalty cards on aregular basis. As a loyalty member's card is approaching the end of thevalidity period (card valid to date is near), then a new replacementcard is created depending on the card renewal date. The existing cardexpires depending on the card valid-to date.
This report has to be run in the background only.
This report takes into account all the cards associated with aparticular loyalty program in Released status (and optionally, aparticular card type together with the program), which are either in theCreated or Active status and whose renewal dates/valid todates have lapsed.
During each report run:

  • All the cards with the status Created that are associated to a
  • particular loyalty program (and optionally the card type) whose valid todate has lapsed, will expire. Replacement cards are not created sincethe card was still in the Created status while its valid to datehad lapsed.
    • For each card with the status Active that is associated to a
    • particular loyalty program (and optionally the card type), a replacementsuccessor card is created in the Created status. The replacementsuccessor card is a copy of the old existing card with a new validityperiod, renewal date and ID.
      ,,The following conditions also need to be met for creating thereplacement successor card:
      Renewal date of the active card is entered and must be on or before thedate of report execution
      The active card must belong to Active memberships
      A successor replacement card has not yet been created
      The card type-renewal flag is checked in Customizing for CustomerRelationship Management under -> Marketing -> Loyalty Management ->Memberships -> Membership Cards -> Define Membership Card Types,Layouts, and Status -> Define Card Types.
      • All cards with the status Active that are associated with the
      • given loyalty program (and optionally the card type) and whose valid-todate has lapsed will expire.

        This report implements parallel processing for better performance andthe parallel processing parameters used are the values maintained in theCustomizing activity for Customer Relationship Management under ->Marketing -> Loyalty Management -> Processing Settings -> DefineBatch Processing Parameters for the Parameters:

        The input parameters are:
        Loyalty Program: Only a released loyalty program can be enteredin this field. This field is mandatory.
        Card Type: Only a card type that is associated with the type ofloyalty program entered above can be entered in this field. This fieldis optional. The association of loyalty program types and card types ismaintained in the Customizing activity for Customer RelationshipManagement under -> Marketing -> Loyalty Management -> LoyaltyPrograms -> Define Profiles for Loyalty Program Types.

        All selected cards depending on the input criteria are processedas described in the purpose section. If any errors occur during thereport execution, then these errors would be logged in the applicationlog which can be viewed through transaction SLG1 for the object CRMLOYand subobject MSH.

        Consider a card X which is in the Active status and whosevalidity period is defined as:
        Valid From: 01 Jan 2010
        Valid To: 31 Dec 2010
        and the renewal date is 01 Dec 2010.
        Suppose this report is run on 25 Nov 2010, since the renewal date isstill in the future, this card will not be considered during this firstrun.
        If the report is run again on 10 Dec 2010, since the renewal date isnow in the past, a replacement card Y is created as described in thepurpose section (assuming all conditions for creation of replacement aresatisfied) with a new validity period. However card X is not expired yetsince the valid to date of the card is still in the future.
        If the report is run again on 25 Dec 2010, since a replacement isalready created for card X, a second replacement will not get created.Also, as the valid to date is still in the future, card X remainsactive.
        If the report is run on 10 Jan 2011, since a replacement card is alreadycreated, a second replacement will not be created and as the valid todate is now in the past, the card X expires.
        Note: In the above example, after the date 10 Dec 2010 (on whichreplacement card is created), card X can also expire even before thevalid to date.
        When the new card Y is delivered to the member and used for the firsttime, and a member activity is created then card X expires immediately.