SAP Program RLMOB003 - Mobile Computing: Inventory counting

You can use this program to count stock instorage bins in thewarehouse. It supports hand-held devices. You count stock by enteringstorage unit (SU) numbers.In a second detail screen, you can change specific quantities ifnecessary.
You can enter the SU numbers by scanning a barcode.
This report is part of the radio frequency (RF) ability project in R/3and can be accessed via menu transaction LM01 (Inventory ->Count SU or Count SU guided).

Count SU System-Guided
The Count SU Guided transaction searches for active inventorydocuments that have not yet been (completely) counted that have beenassigned to the name of the current user. It then leads the user to thefirst bin location for which the entry of count results are required.The bin location must be verified by scanning a barcode or by enteringa valid verification value for the corresponding bin. Afterwards, youcan enter SU numbers into the system.
The system only proposes the next bin if the stock in a bin has beenfully counted.

Count SU
The Count SU transaction allows users to specify a specific binlocation (that needs to be counted) which is not in the sequence listedin the inventory document. Nonetheless, the system still requires thecounting of active inventory documents as well. After checking thewarehouse number, storage type and bin location, you can enter SUnumbers into the system.
A set/get-parameter ID is active for thewarehouse number and thestorage type so that afteryou have made the first entry, you only need to enter the bin locationwhen you choose a bin. Since you can use the barcoded bin location,this simplifies the entry of this data.

Using the Transactions
Once you enter the SU numbers, you may save the data or view thedetails for each line by selecting a specific SU number. You can enteror change detail data. If you find an unlisted material in the bin, youcan add it in the detail screen. After entry, the system checks thedata for consistency. You can only save the data if the consistencycheck is successful.
BIN EMPTY displays all SU numbers remaining on the books whichhave a count quantity of zero. After you enter all SUs that you havefound in the bin, choose BIN EMPTY to see if there should be anyadditional SUs. If none appear, SAVE the results; otherwise check theSUs. If they are really missing, SAVE the data to inform the systemabout these differences. If a SU was overlooked, you need to enter thequantity in the detail screen.

This function only works in storage types managed for storage units. Ifyou are not working with SU-managed stock, see the documentation inprogram RLMOB004.
For this function, you create and activate inventory documents in thesystem in the usual manner.
For the system-guided option, you need to assign users to the inventorydocuments before you activate them.
The system-guided variant requires the entry of a verification fieldfor the bin location. You maintain the verification field in the binmaster record. This is supported by the reportRLVERIFY that allows you to fill the field. Forthis, there are three options. You can use

  • The storage bin coordinates

  • Part of the storage bin coordinates

  • A customer exit

  • Since quantities do not have to be entered explicitly, you will need tohave the use of this method cleared by your external auditor. The lessyou access the storage type and the more you work with full pallets,the more accurate is the outcome.

    In case of errors, a message appears. You can change missing orincorrect data. If there are no errors, the system updates theinventory counting results in the database and displays a correspondingmessage.

    The SAP standard confirmation dialog box which normally appears hasbeen deactivated for this function. Therefore, you should chooseBACK with caution. Choosing BACK causes the system toleave the current transaction and the entered data will be lost withoutwarning.