SAP Program RLMGT000 - Test Program for Storage Bin Transfer in WM (Warehouse Management)

This report is used as test report for the storage bintransfer.
Enter an existing storage bin and anew name for this bin.
The report only stores the bin data including the movement datain the storage bin into a sequential file in the formatLDK34. This file is used as the basis for the transferunder the new name.
Please refer to the documentation of transfer reportRLMG0000 for the further processing.
Displaying documentation for RLMG0000

There must not be a storage bin under the new name because itis created during the data transfer.
You must have maintained a physical path for the logical pathMM_WM_LAGP_TAKEOVER.
Maintaining the physical path

Either a success message is issued or an error message if anerror occurred.