SAP Program RLMBXY00 - Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Goods Movements in IM

With this report you can check or simulate the receipt of goodsmovements.
Material documents are used as test data. You can overwrite thequantity. If you want to overwrite further fields, copy the report andmodify it in accordance with the example given. In this way, you cantest certain goods movements and find out which fields in the IDOC mustbe filled.
There are several options for starting the report.
Direct processing
The main function module L_IDOC_INPUT_WMMBXY is called up directly; ALEis not used, that is, no IDOC is created and processing is called upimmediately.
In Background Task
If you do not enter an RFC destination, the system calls up the ALEfunction module INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS, which in turn creates IDOCs andpasses on the data to the above main function module.
If you enter an RFC destination, you can process the data with the ALEfunction module in another SAP System or send the data to an externalprogram. For this purpose, however, the destination must be maintained.(Customizing ALE oder WM).

The IDOC used is called WMMBID01 with message type WMMBXY.
Careful: The data is really posted. Therefore, do not import the datainto the productive system.

If you call up the function module directly, the output you receive is alog. If you use ALE, the system generates IDOCs and the goods movementsare generated asynchronously.
Therefore, you do not receive a direct log. However, you can look atthe created IDOCs using the evaluation transactions of the ALE group(/nBALE or /nWE05).