SAP Program RLLT2900 - Picking progress

The "Picking Progress" function provides a list as a quick overview ofthe status of picking transfer orders in agroup (wave).
The output list is divided into sections (table matrix blocks):

  • One section for the storage type and
  • picking area
    • One section with the title "Total"

    • One section with the title "Other"

    • The "Total" section displays the sums from the other two sections. Ifthe evauation based on transfer order (TO) header data is chosen (fromthe picking progress list preparation screen), the section marked"Other" adds the data from the TOs together whose source storage typeand picking area are not the same in all items and therefore do not fitinto one of the other sections.
      Each section is put together as a table matrix. The categories"Confirmed", "Open" (not confirmed) and "Total" (confirmed + open)make up the lines. The indicators, number of transfer orders, number ofTO items, planned TO processing time, volume, weight and number ofpicks make up the columns. The fourth line consists of a bar graph(Gannt diagram) based on the feature (for example, number of transferorder items) that was chosen on the list preparation selection screen.
      For example, if you choose the number of TOs, the green bar graphicallyrepresents the percentage of confirmed TOs and the red bar representsthe TOs that are still open.
      The length of the bars in the individual sections are generally notequal and provide a scaled relationship to the values they represent.In place of the bar graph, the "Total" section contains the relativenumerical value (as a percentage) of the confirmed portion of theselected feature.
      When you expand the list, all sections except the "Total" sectionappear in compressed format. This means that you can only see the lineswith the bar graph and not the three lines with the numerical values.The matrix table of a section is displayed after you mark the sectionand expand it.
      On the selection screen, you can select the column for which the bargraph is generated and the type of data evaluation. You can branch to alist of open transfer orders from the picking progress list. You canalso choose the display variant for the transfer order list on theselection screen.