SAP Program RLLT2700 - Transfer Orders for Storage Unit

You can use this report to display and confirm transfer orders for astorage unit.
If you have several transfer order items in the system, selections withthis function can take a long time and also add to the system load. Ifyou are going to use this function frequently, you should note thefollowing points:

  • Performance-friendly access to the transfer orders is only possible via
  • an index. In the standard system, there is no index for Table LTAPthat contains the storage unit. You should therefore create one or twoadditional database indexes for Table LTAP.
    • If you only want to select transfer orders that have the respective
    • storage unit in the source item, you only need an additional index forthe field VLENR (source storage unit). In the selection screen"Reference storage unit selection" only mark the field "Source"
      • If you want to select also transfer orders that have the respective
      • storage unit in the destination item, you will need a second index thatonly contains the field NLENR (destination storage unit).
        • It is not necessary to include the field LGNUM (warehouse
        • number) in both indexes because the storage unit number is unique forall warehouse numbers.

          Before you create an additional database index, you should checkwhether the response time can be improved by taking the followingmeasures.

          • Fewer transfer order items in the database through shorter
          • reorganization cycles.
            • Using the additional selection options of this function. In
            • particular, selections of fields in the transfer order item have apositive effect on the response time.

999743Performance improvements for transfer order lists
391863Performance problems for TO list display