SAP Program RLLT2600 - Transfer Orders for Storage Bin

You use this report to display and confirm transfer orders for astorage bin in a warehouse number and a storage type
If you have several transfer order items in the system, selectionscalled up by this function can take a long time and add to the systemload. If you are going to use this function frequently, you should notethe following points:
The select statements in this function are coded in such a way thatthey use database index "V" in Table LTAP. This index has thefollowing structure:

  • MANDT Client

  • LGNUM Warehouse number

  • PQUIT Confirmation indicator for item

  • VLTYP Source storage type

  • VLPLA Source storage bin

  • In this way, access to the transfer order items is only possible if youonly select the option "Source" in the selection screen "Referencestorage bin selection". This means that the system will only selecttransfer order items that have the respective storage bin in the sourceitem. If you mark the checkboxes "Dest." and "Return", this will causea much longer runtime since no corresponding database index exists andthus also a "full table scan" is executed.
    If you are going to use this function more frequently and want toinclude transfer orders that have the respective storage bin in thedestination item, we recommend that you create an additional databaseindex for Table LTAP:
    • MANDT Client

    • LGNUM Warehouse number

    • PQUIT Confirmation indicator for item

    • NLTYP Destination storage type

    • NLPLA Destination storage bin

    • Remember that an additional database index requires an additionaldatabase update each time a transfer order item is created andconfirmed. You should therefore only create such an additional indexif you are going to use this function regularly.
      If the selection should also include return items, you must create anadditional index for this as well. It should contain the fields"Return storage type" and "Return storage bin". You should only dothis in exceptional cases.
      As a rule, we recommend that you do not create more than 3 indexes perdatabase table.

      Before you create an additional database index, you should checkwhether you can improve the response times by carrying out thefollowing measures:

      • Less transfer order items in the database through shorter
      • reorganization cycles.
        • Using additional selection possibilities of this function. In
        • particular, selections for fields of the transfer order item have apositive effect on the response time.

391863Performance problems for TO list display