SAP Program RLLT0F00 - Remove Handling Units from Storage

This report controls the picking ofhandling units. The system finds a quantityof handling units that match your selection criteria and displays themon a list screen, where you can select those that you want to removefrom storage. When you choose Create TO, the system createstransfer orders for all the selectedentries. To confirm the transfer order, place the cursor on therelevant list entry and choose Confirm in background.
If the system cannot create a transfer order for a handling unit, itinforms you with a message in the error log. Once you have solved theproblem, you can remove the handling unit from stock again.
You must enter the warehouse number on the selection screen. You canalso use the good issue date, customer, deliveryand handling unit to restrict the selection even further.
Screen control allows you to choose between background and foregroundprocessing. If you choose background processing, the system creates atransfer order for all the selected handling units immediately.
Normally, you can cancel the transfer orders by choosing Transferorder -> Cancel transfer order from the WM menu.

A movement type and your owninterim storage area must exist beforeyou can create a transfer order.

The system displays all the handling units that match your selectioncriteria in a list. If you have chosen foreground processing, thesystem does not create any transfer orders automatically, in contrastto background processing. You can then decide which handling units canbe removed from storage and process them manually.
The list screen provides the following information about handlingunits:

  • External handling unit number

  • Delivery for which the handling unit was created

  • Destination storage bin and
  • storage unit type
    • Goods issue date

    • Customer

    • Open transfer order number, if one exists

    • Handling unit status

    • You can see different details for each list entry by placing the cursoron the entry and choosing one of the following functions:
      • Display transfer order for handling unit

      • Display storage bin for handling unit

      • Display quant for handling unit

      • Display delivery for which the handling unit has been created