SAP Program RLLS2400 - ABAP for LS24

Stock overview per material

You can use this report to get a detailed overview of the storage bins,in which the material you selected is stored.

You can display detailed information about individualquants,storage bins, andstorage units as well asmaterial quantities inalternative units of measure

Stock overview in storage unit managed (SU managed) bulk storage
To calculate the current stock levels in SU-managed bulk storage, thesystem reads all open transfer orders (TOs) for the corresponding bulkstorage type. Based on these TOs, the system creates what are known asdummy quants in order to present the stock levels of the quants in thestorage type correctly.
The system does not save these kinds of dummies. You cannot call updetailed information on dummy quants because they do not representquants that exist in the warehouse; they only exist for a short time inthe system for the purpose of internal calculation and are not saved inthe database.

In the standard release, the available quantity per quant is not shownin the detail view at quant level because the system cannot assign aspecific quant to the stock removal TO in advance in SU-managed bulkstorage.
You can however display the stock overview per quant on the basis of alist variant. In this case, note that

  • The available quantity per dummy quant is equivalent to a negative
  • quant
    • The available quantity per quant is equivalent to the current total
    • quantity of this quant.